Golden Clam Threat Closes Lake Okataina
Ngāti Tarāwhai publicised amended access days for all boats and watercraft vessels wishing to use Lake Ōkataina on Saturday the 16th of March.
As per their statement of 16th March;
“Boat and watercraft access will be preserved for four days a week, Friday to Monday daily 6am to 8pm, until April 29 2024, subject to meeting Check-Clean-Dry requirements. Boat and watercraft access to the lake will be closed from Monday at 8pm until Friday 6am. Access will be limited to three days a week from April 30 to June 30, from Friday 7am to Sunday 6pm. Boats and watercraft will be restricted from going on the lake outside of those hours.”
Eastern Fish and Game will continue to monitor the situation and advise of any changes to closures. Please can we remind all anglers to follow the appropriate Check, Clean, Dry protocol for their boats and gear to assist with the continuation of the lake being kept pest free and available.
Eastern Fish and Game Council