21 January 2024
Thank you to all who attended our AGM this morning at the Rotoiti Sports And Community Association in Mourea.
Nga mihi to the Rotoiti Sports Club for their manaaki / hospitality hosting this morning's AGM.
We welcomed members of the Lakes Community Board, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Ministry for Primary Industries, Rotorua Lakes Council and Te Arawa Catfish Killas along with committee members, life members, association members and members of the Rotoiti community to our annual hui on Saturday 6th January at 10am.
This year our meeting moved to the eastern end of the lake and this location was hugely successful and appreciated by members from that end of Rotoiti. We hope to alternate locations each year from here on.
Many important topics were covered, such as the East Rotoiti sewerage scheme, the golden clam risk and koura habitats.
Previous Chair Reina Engelen (East Rotoiti) stepped down after 4 years of hard mahi / amazing leadership. Replacing her is Marion Dixon from Otaramarae.
Deputy Chair Roy Duffy (Te Puna Whakareia) steps away from the committee after 4 years of service but 2023 committee members Tom Macky (Ruato Bay), Mike Gowan (Gisborne Pt), Annamarie Jensen (Otaramarae), Andrea Davies (Gisborne Pt), Sarah Uhl (Okere Falls), Reina Engelen and Mark Thomson (Otaramarae) were re-elected along with Jim Stanton (Okawa Bay) continuing as Treasurer and Claire Miller (Rotorua and Te Weta Bay) as Secretary.
Thank you to Tammy Gardiner for the kai and the karakia, to everyone who attended, to those who presented and of course to our committee for putting their hands up once again to be involved in the community.