Cultural Heritage

Te Arawa Lakes Cultural Significance

For generations Te Arawa have lived in the embrace of the land surrounded by water, be it thermal, natural or for bathing. The question must be, how can we reciprocate? We must be cognisant of the origins and the significance of water, we must allow the water to flow and contribute to the environment as a whole, we must build a pathway that ensures that the relationship we have with water and that water has with us endures.

The fact that Te Arawa Lakes are culturally significant is evidenced by statutory acknowledgements for each of the lakes and the vesting of the lake beds to the Te Arawa Lakes Trust (TALT). The Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC), as consent authority, has responsibilities under both the Resource Management Act 1991 and Te Arawa Lakes Settlement Act 2006 to have regard to the statutory acknowledgements and the associated cultural values with these lakes. TALT also has responsibilities as owner of the lake bed to safeguard places of cultural and/or spiritual significance to Te Arawa.

The following documents provide excellent background information.

(Click on the links which follow to view the documents).

Te Arawa Cultural Values Framework

TALT Lake Structure Policy 2017

Principles for effectively co-governing natural resources

Controller & Auditor General

Appendix 4: About the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group

The co-management of the Te Arawa Lakes

Julia Kahu Harper-Hinton
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Laws
Victoria University of Wellington

Te Arawa Lakes Deed of Settlement Summary

NZ Government

Te Arawa Lakes Settlement Act 2006

NZ Legislation

Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

TALT Cultural Mapping report for Lake Rotoiti

Prepared by Te Arawa Lakes Trust May 2019

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