Neighbourhood Support have established groups in the following areas: Gisborne Point, Tamatea St, Ōkere Falls, Te Akau Peninsula, Mourea and Ōkawa Bay.
The area around Lake Rotoiti falls within the coverage of Rotorua Police and as such falls within the area covered by Neighbourhood Support Rotorua. Our aim is to encourage neighbours to look out for each other and be a helping hand in times of trouble, in addition to ensuring crimes are reported to the Police immediately, also report any suspicious behaviour, as this may stop a crime occurring.
In the present climate with the cloud of COVID-19 upon us, it is even more important to have a neighbourhood support network established and working. This is a great advantage especially when anyone lives alone or has no family to keep an eye out for their welfare. It has been of note that during lockdown most Neighbourhood Support Groups checked on those living in their coverage area and offered support if and when needed.
As there are a great number of holiday homes in this area permanent residents can be a watchful eye over uninhabited properties. In some areas there are established Neighbourhood Support email communication networks with all household owners, permanent and holiday homes. This ensures that any noticeable damage to a property is passed on to the Group members as soon as possible by the Group Contact person.
Of concern in recent time, not only around Lake Rotoiti but everywhere in the area is theft from vehicles. It is an unfortunate truth that criminals operate in all areas so please, at any time, do not leave unattended vehicles unlocked with valuables left in them. These valuables include mobile phones, computers, paywave cards, credit/debit cards, money and sporting gear. In addition to those items sometimes theft of vehicle fuel does occur, so before your leave in your car check your fuel level. Remember if a crime occurs with you or your property reporting it to the Police immediately is essential. If not reported, police consider the event as ‘never happened’.
If you wish to join or establish a Neighbourhood Support Group in your area please contact the Neighbourhood Support Rotorua office at the Rotorua Police Station. It is not manned all the time so please call 07-349-9470 or email