The 2021 year has begun similarly to 2020 with a prolonged period of drought, rainfall being well below historical averages. Existing operational consent conditions require Okere Gate outflows to equal or exceed inflows from Lake Rotorua to optimise lake water quality by preventing reflux back into Lake Rotoiti. Accordingly levels have remained considerably below the aspirational range minimum of RL279.10m.
BoPRC’s Application for a temporary trial (see below) was formally lodged in late July 2020 following an extended community consultation process. The Application was then referred to an external Environmental & Planning Consultancy for assessment of environmental effects. Due to extenuating circumstances further progress was delayed until late 2020 and the Application continues to remain awaiting recommendation and ultimate decision by BoPRC’s Regulatory Arm.
Our PowerPoint presentation to the January 2021 AGM covering the consent application process to date may be accessed HERE.
Further progress will be advised in due course and/or when any deliberate low-level drop is proposed to take place. LRCA has insisted that it occur outside of prime time lake usage periods (preferably after Easter).