New Rules and Checkpoints for boat ramp users have come this summer requiring self-certification that vessels are free from aquatic pest fish and pest plants.
Do your bit to protect the lakes and rivers that you love.
All it takes is one tiny fragment of hornwort or a single catfish egg. If aquatic pests hitch a ride on your gear they can spread to previously unaffected waterways - choking our lakes and rivers, make them murky, and out-competing native wildlife.
New rules for boat ramp users
The Bay of Plenty Regional Pest Management Plan 2020 – 2030 became operative on 20th December 2020. As a result new rules now apply for all users of freshwater boat ramps in the region.
BoPRC ask that you familiarise yourself with the new rules and ensure that you comply with them when heading out on the water.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Regional Pest Management Plan 2020 – 2030 Rule 7
No person shall leave boat trailers in any water body other than for the purposes of launching and/or retrieving boats.
No person shall transport ballast water from any water body to any other location.
All occupiers of vessels or craft entering any water body within the Bay of Plenty shall ensure their vessels or craft (including trailers) are free from freshwater pest fish and freshwater pest plants including fragments.
All occupiers of vessels or craft using a boat ramp with a self-certification checkpoint must complete the supplied certification form and display it in the vehicle used to launch the boat.
As from mid-January lakeside self-certification checkpoints have been set up at the most popular boat ramps around the Rotorua Te Arawa lakes. Biosecurity staff will be visiting boat ramps throughout summer to help lake users understand the rules and check that they are complying with them.
Full instructions on how to self-certify are at the boat ramps.
How to Check, Clean, Dry
If you’re moving between waterways you can help to reduce the spread of freshwater pests by using the 'Check, Clean, Dry' (CCD) method:
1 Check all equipment and your vessel and trailer and remove any weed fragments before leaving the boat ramp.
2 Clean all equipment that has come in contact with the water using a decontamination solution* as soon as practical
3 Drain all water by removing bungs or sponging out any lying water in your vessel when you exit the waterbody.
4 Dry equipment thoroughly before using it another waterbody.
Do it between every waterway, every time.
Check your gear
Look for any bits and pieces of plants, fish eggs or even snails that might’ve hitched a ride.
Check any gear that has been in contact with the water including boats, jet skis, kayaks, lifejackets, ropes and paddles.
Remove any fragments and dispose of it in the rubbish.
Clean your gear
There's more than one option for cleaning your gear – choose the one that's best for your situation and your gear. * A decontamination solution is 5% any common dishwashing liquid/ nappy cleaner so 500mls is diluted to 10 litres of water. Alternatively dilute 2% household bleach. Make sure that you use a product that won’t damage your equipment.
Drain water
Empty any ballast or bilge water you may be carrying or is lying in your vessel.
Dry your gear
If you’re moving to a new lake or waterway within the next 48 hours then make sure that you dry it in between. Do your bit and stop the spread.