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LRCA AGM – Join our Team!

11 December 2022

LRCA AGM - Important Information

Our AGM is on Monday, 2nd of January at 10 am at the Pikiao Sports & Recreation Inc. Takinga St, Mourea.

Come join our team.

Your community needs you! With so many important issues on and around our lake, we can’t keep up with everything. We’re looking for new committee members, particularly those with relationships within other community organisations, an interest in environmental issues and with a background in communication and advertising. Please consider putting your name forward at this year’s AGM – it’s a great way to be in the know and give back to our community.

Most meetings are now held on Zoom so you don’t need to be a permanent resident to join. For updates on the day of the AGM you can visit our website We will also update our Facebook page:

For those who do not plan to attend and still want to be involved we ask that you email any questions or comments to before 31 December 2023. We will be publishing the AGM minutes on our website and Facebook page after the meeting.

For anyone wishing to raise a question before the meeting, please email