16 December 2022
This December 22 Update from BoPRC for Lake Structure Owners covers:
* Replacement Consent Project updates (Lake Rotorua, Lake Tarawera, Lake Rotoiti and the Ōhau Channel)
* Consent decision for the temporary lowering of Lake Rotoiti
* Houseboats on the Rotorua Lakes
* Managing privately owned boat ramps and slipways to reduce the spread of pest species
* Maintenance and/or modifying jetties and other lake structures
* Works on and around Lake Edge Margins
* Harbourmaster update
We have nearly completed sending out all the Lake Rotoiti non-notified consents.
Applications assessed as having minor or more than minor adverse cultural effects were limited, notified to Te Arawa Lakes Trust and the iwi and hapū groups with an interest in this rohe.
Te Arawa Lakes Trust (TALT) provided a submission, and a copy of this was sent to all applicable lake structure consent applicants.
Te Arawa Lakes Trust have asked to be heard at a hearing, which means that Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) is obliged to hold a hearing and a commissioner(s) will make decisions on the applications, unless all issues can be resolved prior to a hearing.
BOPRC have facilitated two pre-hearing meetings with TALT and LRCA (Lake Rotoiti Community Association) representatives and although some issues have been resolved we are still working through this process.
Please note that throughout the process Regional Council staff and TALT have discussed the concerns raised and sought to find solutions. Council staff have also discussed issues and potential solutions with representatives of the LRCA.
A resource consent hearing is a formal public meeting to consider a resource consent application. A hearing provides an opportunity for the applicants and submitters to present their case to a neutral independent hearing commissioner before a decision or recommendation is made.