Lake Ōkataina Closure Extended
On the 31st October the NZ Fish & Game Council advised:
“We want to let you know that unfortunately Lake Ōkataina in the Rotorua region will not be open for angling from boats this Wednesday 1st November, as planned.
The Controlled Area Notice is being extended for up to two weeks, meaning the lake will remain closed to boating and fishing.
Biosecurity New Zealand is the lead agency for the response to the clam, and has responded to a specific request from iwi by agreeing to temporary biosecurity rules which closed the lake to boating and fishing for the month of October while a wash station was established.
The extension gives Biosecurity New Zealand time to work through the required approvals for the mobile wash station that will go on Lake Ōkataina Rd. Biosecurity New Zealand also requires 2-3 days for earthworks and to thoroughly test the wash station before the lake can open to fishing and boating.
We understand that this news will be disappointing, especially with the angling season in full swing across the rest of the country.
We can however provide you with the proposed information on the access arrangements at Lake Ōkataina once the mobile wash station is operational:
The aim is to have the lake open for angling from Thursday to Sunday, including overnight boat stays (anglers must be off the water by midnight on Sunday)
The wash station will be available for use from 6:30am to 7:00pm.
It will take approximately 10 minutes for a boat and trailer to go through the wash station.
All boats, including those from Rotorua, will be required to use the wash station, for now.
A gate will be installed at the boat ramp and will be locked and opened in support of the lake and wash station hours. An emergency contact number will be posted at the boat ramp.
Shoreline fishing will still be allowed seven days a week, but waders may need to undergo washing”.
Their complete letter is available here.