THURSDAY, 4 MAY 2023 AT 19:00
Rotoiti Consultation on Draft Annual Plan with RLC Council Staff
Te Takinga Marae. Mourea. Rotorua
The Lakes Community Board is organising a community evening for you to be able to provide feedback and discuss the Proposed Annual Plan with Council staff and councillors, on the 4th May 7pm at Te Tākinga Marae (402 State Highway 33, Mourea).
There are a few things in it that would really affect the Rotoiti communty so we're really hoping you'll come along! The first is a proposal to pull the funding for rebuilding the Otaramarae boatramp toilets and playground in the coming year! This is something the community has been asking for for years and we'd finally got it to the top of the works list!
They're also suggesting cutting Community funding, which is something a lot of people in our communities use. See you there!
Te Takinga Marae, 402 State Highway 33, Mourea 3074, Rotorua Mourea, New Zealand