RLC confirm that the wet summer has impacted planned progress. Rather than normal dry conditions, the wet summer has been a nightmare for Fulton Hogan. However they have continued with installs when able to. Council will be preparing a formal update soon. The Fulton Hogan contract is to be extended from March this year to December.
Some site reinstatement work has also been affected by weather and wet ground conditions. We suggest you follow up Fulton Hogan (Nadia Whyte or Dan Snow). Or if not resolved RLC’s Gerhard Mostert should be contacted on 027 2141820.
Progress remains slow with the Maori land issues where owners have died and succession through Maori Land Court is required. This prevents written landowner permission for RLC to work on sites. However Council continue to work on this, and in the meantime carry on with design agreement with land owners, and obtain building consent while waiting for Maori Land Court solutions.
The Agenda for the next ROTORUA TE ARAWA LAKES STRATEGY GROUP meeting included the following update:
4.1 Rotomā / Rotoiti Sewerage Scheme. The last remaining wastewater reticulation project in the wider programmes assigned to Rotorua Lakes Council under the Deed Agreement of 2005. The scheme is progressing with around 171 onsite systems installed and another 68 onsite systems booked for installation. This is sufficient for the next four months’ work programme. The Regulating Authority (the Bay of Plenty Regional Council) reported in April 2022 that the Wastewater Treatment Plant is operating in compliance with the relevant consent conditions. Rotorua Lakes Council continues to work with the Resource Consent mandated Iwi Liaison Group to monitor the project’s progress and compliance with all the relevant provisions of the Cultural Impacts Assessments Reports and provisions. The Strategy Group arrived at final resolutions for the funding gap of the project on 20 April 2022 and the Minister has provided confirmation of agreement to those resolutions. The Minister’s letter ROTORUA TE ARAWA LAKES STRATEGY GROUP 24 MARCH 2023 INFOCOUNCIL ID: 115 Item 8.6 2 Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Doc No: RDC-1358351 24 March 2023 of expectation is now awaited to conclude the Deed funding schedule changes by this Strategy Group.