Steady but slow progress has been made on the speed review since we made our final submissions in February 2022. Complying with the new transport rule for setting speed limits introduced in May has hindered progress.
Waka Kotahi advise that:
“Currently we’re finalising the signage design plan – this goes into detail such as the location of every single sign on the state highway, between Tikitere and Whakatane, and what is on it (speed, name etc). This plan includes new signs for the various Marae/Pa alongside SH30. Once the signage design has been completed, it will go out for pricing and an estimated time frame will be supplied by the contractor as to how long it will take to order and install new or update existing signs. We’re also finalising the legal details so the new speeds can be implemented. In terms of timing, we’ll alert you as soon as we have more concrete information.
Pressed further for a delivery timeframe we were advised of the legal difficulties faced in implementing the desired changes:
“Changing speed limits is a legal process and there are numerous steps we need to carefully follow. The SH30 Tikitere to Whakatane speed review consultation took place just as the new Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022 was being singed off, and came into effect May 2022. This means we will be implementing new speed limits under the new Rule and we’re working through this process at the moment. We hope this will be done in time for us to announce the corridor decision by Christmas”.