Lake Rotoiti Near Maximum Level
Lake Rotoiti is sitting just 70mm below its consented maximum of RL 279.40m after nearly 200mm of rain in the past two days. Okere Gate flows are also very high on 44.6 cumecs.
Ōhau Channel flows have also increased again to 28.5cumecs following a further rise in Lake Rotorua's level which is now 210mm above its consented maximum level.
These are quite exceptional numbers and the system will take some time to recover.
At this stage, the Okere Gates are likely to remain fully open for 1-2 weeks while we also wait for Ōhau Channel flows to decrease to below 26cumecs (or maximum rafting flows) remembering OUTFLOWS through the gates must always be greater than INFLOWS from the Ōhau Channel.
This has been a regional event with high river flows, lake levels and road closures through slips and flooding.
Not the news your want to hear but all lake exit points are flowing at maximum outflows.
Will keep you updated on progress.
Okere Gates Operator
Graeme O'Rourke
Survey Team Leader
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana