Community engagement on safer speeds for State Highway 30 (SH30) between Tikitere (Rotorua) and Whakatāne closed on 7 July. We’d like to thank everyone who made a submission, attended a drop-in session or shared any concerns they have about this stretch of state highway.
We’re close to completing a review of all the feedback received and preparing a summary. We’ll share the engagement summary report with you as soon as it’s ready.
As changing speed limits is a legal process, there are numerous steps to follow when considering changing them. One of the steps is formal consultation. After we complete the review of the engagement feedback, and if it is recommended to propose new speed limits, we will formally consult on our recommendations. As part of this we will share a detailed proposal and ask if there are any additional factors we need to consider.
Ensuring speed limits are safe and appropriate is one of the best things we can do to prevent people being killed or seriously injured on our roads. However, any changes in speed limits doesn’t mean we can’t make further improvements to the road.
Our priority is to make this state highway safer as soon as possible so that everyone living on and using it can get where they are going safely.
Kylie Ruegg (she/her)
Senior Advisor, Communications and Engagement
Te Waka Kōtuia | Engagement and Partnerships