LRCA submitted a number of questions to RLC and requested a detailed update for our December Newsletter. Infrastructure Manager Peter Dine helpfully provided the following information (slightly abridged).
Project cost increases.
The Lakes Strategy Group has agreed to fund 50% of additional project costs. We will update costs at tender approval stage.
Shortlisted On-site systems specified for tender:
- Delos from Innflow (an improved STEP)
- BiolytixX
- Perco (a Hynds Product)
- Biorock
The last two are two chambered trickling filter systems that operate aerobically (i.e with oxygen).
On-site Systems
The pre-treatment systems provide an initial breakdown of waste before being pumped from each site to a pressurised reticulated pipe network which collects waste from all sites and transfers it to the plant. For the reticulation system back-up generators are provided at each pumping station in case of power failure. For on-site systems 24hr emergency storage is provided in case of power failure along with an alarm.
On-site system installation timeline.
We would envisage a minimum of two years to get all installed.
Land issue.
This does not really affect progress. About 75% of properties can be connected now i.e. they front public road. We need to engage with each and every household for placement of tanks including Maori owned. Many of the households are also owners in the Maori Land blocks so we can do both at same time. We can't start talking to households until we know what system is going in as that does affect locality, reinstatement issues etc. We can work through the Maori land approvals as we go. Many do have to go to the Maori Land Court but the Court has been working with us on a process to manage this.