29 October 2021
Project Whakahaumanu (To Revive & Restore to Health) has been underway for 17 months commencing April 2020.
The centre point for the project is located at the junction of Okere & Te Akau Roads and encompasses the land on both sides of Te Akau Road for 200m and 420m along Okere Road.
In general the purpose of the project is to create two new wetlands, restore two former wetlands, create a viewing point cum carpark and extensive native tree planting.
The two new wetlands are fully planted and complete and both former wetlands are between 65-75% complete. To achieve this considerable effort has been put into dismantling old fences, removing rubbish, trees, blackberry, gorse and other invasive noxious plants.
To assist the project team with planting there have been two community and local residents groups, three school groups (Whangamarino & Rotokawa), three holiday programme groups, two family groups and a young adult team.
A "Mara Kai" (Community Garden) has been established and initial planting of vegetables has been done. It is intended that a community group is to be formed to maintain the gardens and be responsible for distribution of the products.
The Team currently have been working on 5ha with a further 6ha yet to be tackled. The remaining 6ha will entail clearing three hillsides of gorse and planting in native trees.
It is anticipated that a further 2-3 years will see the project through to completion with plans now underway to have pest control & eradication systems in place and maintenance and upkeep of the wetlands, walkways and ngahere (forests) ongoing into the future.
The Team would like to thank the community at large for it's assistance, kind words and support.