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Okere Reserve Care Group

28 February 22

Okere Reserve Care Group

A group of hardy locals have taken it upon themselves to transform a reserve at 133-155 Ōkere Rd. Volunteering their time, alongside strategic knowledge and plants supplied by the Rotorua Lakes Council and Toi Moana / BoPRC.

"The bonus we get out of that is not just an awesome reserve but getting to know our neighbours better and building a tighter community".

The team had their first working bee on Sunday 6th February. It was hugely successful attacking a jasmine bank that had over 40 years of growth and that had killed everything in its path. They also built 12 more trapping tunnels to add to the 5 they inherited.

They are currently planning signage to make the reserve more welcome to both locals and visitors and an information board about the project which they hope can include local history, stories, and environmental information.

Over the next few months there is more weed clearing and then planting in late autumn and early winter. Trap line setting and loading these traps onto an app for easy monitoring and recording of catches is also a high priority.

RLC and BOPRC have been an amazing support, we suggest that anyone keen to look after a reserve area in their neighbourhood contact Robert Barry, (, from BOPRC and Saskia du Plessis from RLC, (

If you want to get involved or are interested in starting a community care group in your part of Rotoiti, get in touch with us on our facebook page or at and we can steer you in the right direction.