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Mayor Recommends Option 2: $22,486

7 June 2024

Council Acknowledges Community Concerns and Shows Leadership in Response

Laura Smith of the Rotorua Daily Post reports:

Mayor Tania Tapsell backed the second option, and councillors voted unanimously in support.

She commented: “The financial burden on this community is incredible. But also these lakes are a great asset for our wider community and the many visitors that come to enjoy them as well.”

She said she had confirmed on Thursday morning with Associate Environment Minister Andrew Hoggard the $10m would loaned for the scheme.

Option 2: Added an extra $4.5m share from the council to counter cost escalations. Households in the scheme would each pay $22,486 and the extra would be recuperated by all district ratepayers paying $15.50 per year for 25 years.

Having listened to submissions, chief executive Andrew Moraes said the standard of experience customers had received through the project was “far below what I believe council and council staff would like to provide”.

Councillor Rawiri Waru said Option 2 was “a hell of a lot better than what was proposed”.

His colleague Lani Kereopa expressed how councillors felt the hurt, stress and anger from the community. Option 2 was the closest to the 2017 costing, she said.

“I apologise to the fact we can’t honour the contract you believed you signed at that time.”

People would still struggle to pay, she said.

You can read the full Daily Post Report here.