This year we've made a few changes to the way we communicate with our members. You will have noticed that you're receiving more emails from us. This is part of our strategy to make our communications more timely and cost effective using E-mail, our website, which now has a section called Latest News - where you can find the most recent updates - and our Facebook page.
Our Summer Newsletter will be our one printed newsletter. It will be arriving in mailboxes shortly. If you do not receive it, it means you are not a member or your membership is not current. Membership is only $15 per annum, and without it, we can't continue to provide the same level of support and engagement, so please click here to join or renew today.
.By doing so you will benefit from our activities to improve the lake for our lake community and be kept up to date on lake issues of interest to you.
If you do not have our printed newsletter a digital copy is available here.