LRCA Lake Level Submission
October 3, 2021
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October 12, 2021
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Lake Structure Consent Update

3 October 2021

Lake Structure Resource Consents Update October 2021

LRCA maintains regular contact with Bay of Plenty Regional Council relating to the applications of Resource Consents for existing lake structures, and has posted the resulting updates on our website.

In the most recent update prior to print deadline, the following information was provided by BoPRC in relation to Lake Rotoiti. In summary:

* The consenting team has now commenced working on Lake Rotoiti applications.

* They will draft a ‘notification’ recommendation, and will make notification decisions for every existing lake structure in one go

* Any applications that need to be notified will be, and the submission period for those will start

* Any applications that do not need to be notified will then be progressed with draft conditions going to applicants before final decisions are made

LRCA has been tracking the process that commenced with Lake Rotoma, Lake Rotorua, Lake Tarawera (and Lake Okareka).


All structures (10 or so) were assessed ‘less than minor adverse effects,’ and were ‘non-notified’. They were issued with 30 year consents, with a review able to be conducted 5 yearly in the event that any adverse effects change and require attention. The term would not be affected by this.


We understand nearly all structures at Lake Rotorua were processed similarly.


‘significant adverse effects’ - there were a dozen or so Boatsheds at Kariri Point (Boatshed Bay) that were assessed with this category due to proximity to a culturally significant site. These were notified to Iwi, who made submissions to BoPRC, and a hearing before independent commissioners will be scheduled to consider the applications.

‘minor’ or ‘more than minor’ adverse effects - these structures were ‘limited notified’ to Te Arawa Lakes Trust and Tuhorangi Iwi. They made submissions and there is dialogue between BoPRC and TALT to attempt to establish mitigations that would enable these consents to be issued. Once BoPRC and TALT reach agreement, draft conditions are sent to the applicant for their consideration. We understand BoPRC favours 30 year consents. This seems sensible to avoid the significant burden and costs this significant process consumes. If agreement cannot be reached they would proceed to a hearing.

‘less than minor adverse effects’ - processed in same manner as Lake Rotoma and Lake Rotorua (i.e. 30 year term). We are not sure if the same review period as Lake Rotoma will apply.


‘significant adverse effects’ There are no structures in this category in the Lake Rotoiti Cultural Mapping report

‘minor’ or ‘more than minor’ adverse effects – over 80% of Rotoiti structures are in this category – due to being within 100 meters of a similar structure, or 400 metres of a cultural site. It is likely these will be limited notified to TALT, Ngati Pikiao, Ngati Makino and other Iwi around the lake. They continue to chase Ngati Makino for their cultural input. BoPRC will then make a notification decision and engage in dialogue with them to discuss mitigations and conditions.

‘less than minor adverse effects’ – the balance will hopefully be processed on the same non-notified basis as the above lakes, with 30 year terms.

In anticipation of engagement with TALT and Lake Rotoiti IWI, LRCA has signalled to BoPRC that we would like to be included in discussions with these parties. We hope this will be agreed to. We have also requested a meeting with TALT to establish a beneficial working relationship.

We will keep you informed. To see past and the latest Lake Structure Updates go to our Issues Page on Lake Structures - Includes December 2021 Update.