Rotoiti Sewerage Scheme Options
December 16, 2020
BoPRC Lake Structure Newsletter
December 21, 2020
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Lake Rotoiti Community Assn AGM

16 December 2020

Notice of Lake Rotoiti Community Assn Annual General Meeting

Our A.G.M will be on the 2nd of January 2021 at 10am at the Pikiao Rugby League Club (Pikiao Lakeside Sports & Community Inc), 3 Takinga St, Mourea.

All those with an interest in lake Rotoiti and it’s community are welcome. This is a great opportunity to hear the latest updates on all the issues affecting us. Especially the East Rotoiti sewerage scheme, lake structure jetty and retaining wall consents, water quality, catfish control, koura numbers, safer roads or any matters you wish to raise.

COVID-19 Precautions

We aim to ensure the safety of the vulnerable members of our community as well as try to maintain a relatively normal A.G.M.

To follow Ministry of Health recommendations we will be ensuring everyone signs in and, uses hand sanitiser. We will set up the seating to attempt physical distancing and try to keep as many doors as possible open for air flow. Of course, if you are unwell, or have been asked to social distance, you will need to stay home.

An Alert Level change which affects gathering sizes will result in a smaller A.G.M, possibly over Zoom, that is recorded so all members can view it later. This will be posted on our website and our Facebook page. Any changes to the A.G.M will also be posted on these platforms.

For those who do not plan to attend for health reasons and still want to be involved, we ask that you email any questions to before the 31st of December 2020.

We will be publishing our A.G.M Minutes on our website afterwards and will advise our members of this.