July 2021 update - Rotoma/Rotoiti Sewerage Scheme – Biolytix system chosen for East Rotoiti
We have been in regular contact over a number of years with the Lakes Council Infrastructure team to obtain updates and have posted the information we obtained for members. This being necessary due to very limited communications from Council.
Due to these ongoing proactive requests from LRCA, we received an invite recently to meet with Council and the Iwi Liaison group, whom Council have liaised with over meeting the Cultural obligations required by the resource consent for the scheme.
We were advised the progress with obtaining the full Council approval of the tender and the timetable for Council to despatch the letter to property owners confirming that approval and the decision of which system has been chosen.
That letter was received in the post on 19 July - copy here - and it advises that the Biolytix pre-treatment on-site system has been confirmed by Councillors. The letter provides other background information, including some numbers around scheme costs, planned inclusion of Rotoehu if funding is received, and that the final cost per property will not be struck until all costs are known. We sought estimated timeframe for confirmation of the agreed works programme, but that is not available yet.
It also refers to a further Community meeting, possibly at Labour weekend. LRCA will keep pressure on for that meeting to proceed. Installation should be underway by then, and the Community will want more information.
We have requested involvement in any periodical meetings to monitor progress with the installation programme, to represent the Community.