30 May 2022
As reported in our recent update, LRCA received a most favourable response from Bay of Plenty Regional Council regarding our recommendation for a revision of the Proposed Conditions for drawdown, including an Observation Monitoring Plan. The further improvements requested by us have also now been accepted. In summary, we have achieved the following:-
* now described as one-off event and no longer a ‘Trial’;
* specific timing restrictions for the proposed drawdown (i.e. no deliberate attempt until after Easter Monday in any one year);
* appropriate controls and notification prior to any such undertaking;
* one attempt only per year during consent period;
* detailed monitoring procedures and obligations during the observation period; and
* adopting the template that LRCA submitted to BoPRC for public feedback.
It is respectfully suggested that it would be appropriate for all submitters to review their position and, if it is now believed that their issues have been adequately addressed through the enhanced draft conditions achieved by LRCA’s intervention, advise BoPRC accordingly prior to the Hearing Date. As previously advised, The Hearing of the Application by Commissioners is scheduled for 14-15 June 2022 to be held at the Millennium Hotel, Rotorua commencing 9.00am each day.
Those who made submissions would have already received the Section 42a Report from BoPRC and more recently the Applicants evidence which contains reference to the revised Conditions and Documents.
The final agreed documents can also be accessed on our website from the following links:
* Lake Level Control Observation Proposal – Conditions Agreed between Applicant and LRCA
* Draft Lake Level Control Observation Monitoring Plan – Agreed between Applicant and LRCA
* Lake Rotoiti: Lake Level Control Observation Record – Template provided by LRCA
LRCA has now also provided Additional Evidence to its submission outlining all of the factors leading to its initial ‘support in principle’. It further references our success (as detailed above) in gaining BoPRC agreement to significantly enhance the Proposed Conditions and include a comprehensive Observation Monitoring Plan along with a Recording Template for observations from the public.
In concluding its evidence LRCA has advised that given the diverse views resulting from the Consent Application as notified, we have now considered it appropriate to defer the decision to the Commissioner panel with the request that our submission be viewed as neutral rather than in opposition or support. Notwithstanding, if the Application is granted, we have sought to have it based on all of LRCA’s recommended draft Conditions, Management Plan and Template Observer Form to address many of the potential impacts raised in submissions. A copy of the Submitted Additional Evidence can be accessed HERE.