As reported in our last update, LRCA met via Zoom with the Applicants, Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BoPRC) to discuss our proposed enhancements to the draft conditions with the aim of providing greater clarity around process with respect to the proposed drawdown conditions including a detailed Management Plan for the observation and recording process.
A favourable initial response has recently been received from BoPRC’s legal advisor who has provided Draft Amendments for review in the form of a revision of Proposed Conditions for drawdown, along with an Observation Monitoring Plan. Having since met to discuss these proposals, our committee delegates are pleased to advise that most of the recommendations advanced by LRCA have been incorporated into the modified conditions including the important aspects around timing restrictions for any drawdown, singular attempt only per year, and detailed monitoring procedures and obligations during the observation period.
Nonetheless, we believe that some important specific aspects require further improvement and our co-opted Resource and Planning Environmental consultants, Kate and Craig, will be seeking to have these considered for inclusion. We propose to send out a more comprehensive and detailed update later this month once the amendments have been ratified. As many will know, the Commissioners Hearing of the Application is scheduled for 14-15 June 2022 to be held at the Millennium Hotel, Rotorua. We would encourage all members and others who have an interest in the Lake Rotoiti environment to attend.