Jim Schuster, renowned marae restorer talks to Kim Hill, Radio NZ
Jim Schuster works with Heritage New Zealand as a marae restorer around New Zealand and the world, and in the latter category there’s one particularly close to his heart. Meeting house Hinemihi has sat in the grounds of Clandon Estate in Surrey England since the 1890s. A few years prior it sheltered and saved 153 lives during the Tarawera Eruption. It is now, finally, due to return home.
Hinemihi was carved by Schuster’s great great grandfather Tene Waitere, and Schuster still lives on his tūpuna’s land at Ruato on the shores of Lake Rotoiti, Rotorua. He carries forward the great carving and weaving traditions and knowledge of his ancestors in this region sharing it around the world, including the harvesting of natural materials for restoration like raupō, harakeke, kākaho and kiekie.
Listen to Jim Schuster and see images of Jim & Hinemihi here.