Despite the many challenges of Covid, some progress has been made recently. Fulton Hogan have now begun installing systems, following commencement of the process to meet property owners on site along with Council staff to agree location for their Biolytix Eco pod, and the outflow pipe to the roadside connection. Once agreed, a building consent application is submitted, and work can be scheduled once obtained.
Unfortunately the site visits to date have had to be limited to some permanent residents or owners from level 2 regions, and the first level 3 owners (including Aucklanders) can hopefully be seen post 15 December, provided freedom to travel from that date is not changed.
Priority is being given to failed/poor performing systems as Council becomes aware of them, and building sites, plus higher water table sites that will be undertaken in summer months.
As requested by LRCA, a public meeting is planned for the 29th January.
* RLC contact number for queries or request for site visit - 07 348 4199
Please address any concerns to LRCA.