East Rotoiti-Rotoma WWTP Appeal Update

In early July the Environment Court was to hear three Appeals against the granting of a Consent for the Rotoma WWTP. After the Rotoma Rotoehu Ratepayers Association was able to successfully negotiate extra conditions for the Consent with Rotorua District Council they withdrew their appeal. Instead they sat as an Interested Party in the Hearing for the remaining two Appeals.

LRCA and Tamatea St Ratepayers Association also participated in the Appeals as Interested Parties.

With agreement from all parties the Environment Court adjourned the Appeal until the end of September. There is more work needed to be done on the proposed WWTP which will result in either submission of an amendment to the Consent, or a new Consent being sought. The adjournment will hopefully allow all parties to work together to find a solution acceptable and beneficial to everyone.

The Environment Court offered its considerable experience in mediation and work-shopping to help the parties resolve the issues raised in the hearings, and LRCA fully supports seeing this process put in place.

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