16 October 2021
Tēnā tātau Ngāti Pikiao, tēnā hoki tātau o Te Arawa whānui.
Kia Haumaru tonu te noho, kia mataara tātau.
Kia tiaki tātau I a tātau i ēnei wā o te māuiuitanga nei. ou whānau.
He karanga tēnei kia tae a tinana mai ki ngā tukunga tuatahi, tuarua hoki o ngā rongoā āraimate.
Ngati Pikiao have organised 1st and 2nd Covid19 Vaccinations at Pikiao Rugby League Club, 3 Takinga St, Mourea, Saturday, 20th November 21.
* Ages 12 plus
* Walk-ins welcome but bookings are encouraged
* Ngati Pikiao health experts will be available on the day to answer any questions whakau have.
To register for your Covid 19 vaccination please email:
* waiwhata@yahoo.co.nz 021-295-4744 or
* peatamihaka@gmail.com 022-636-4504
With the following details:
* Full Name
* Date of Birth
* Mobile number and/or Email
Or bookmyvaccine.covid19.health.nz
Haere mai, protect our whakapapa.
Mauri Ora!