Lake Weed Spraying Plans
November 11, 2020
BoPRC Rotoiti Biosecurity Update
December 3, 2020
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24 Hr Stand Down Recommended

2 December 2020

LINZ Biosecurity Management advise that Diquat spraying was successfully completed this afternoon Wednesday December 2nd at the following locations.

Lake Rotoiti

Gisborne Point


Ōkahutoroa Bay/Cherry Bay

Ōtaramarae Bay Boat Ramp

Te Ārero Bay

Te Ti Bay

Tokerau Bay


We recommend a 24 hour stand-down on swimming, fishing and taking water for irrigation or domestic supply once the spraying is complete.


Tomorrow Thursday 3rd December we will be attempting again to control weed at the following locations.


Lake Rotoiti

Kakaho Bay

Ōkawa Bay

Ōkere Inlet

Te Akau Peninsula

Te Weta Bay

Whangamoa Drive


This work will be carried out via boat based boom spraying using the herbicide diquat in gel form.


We will look to update you again tomorrow afternoon.


If you have any questions in relation to this work, please feel free to call us on 0800 638 943 or keep up to date with treatment progress on the LINZ website.